Theories topic for the week of November 16 - 23, 2011:
Theory of the Week:
There are monkey's in a cave in Mother. You use a tank to reach it. The desert in Mother is the
same desert in Mother 2. That is why there are monkeys in the desert. But also remember about
sea monkeys... elusive creatures indeed. Where there is desert there usually once was sea,
therefore the sea monkeys could have adapted to live in the desert.
- onakagapekopekodesu
I think I may have misread...:
The monkeys were called there by the allure of the chocolate drizzled landscape, the Neapolitan hills, and the whipped cream mountains, adorned with giant maraschino cherries and sprinkles the size of logs. The enormous banana rumored to be buried beneath the landscape was only a perk.
- Captain Bozo