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Would Earthbound64 Have Been Very Good? - by RCRawdon3

Would Earthbound64 Have Been Very Good?

Don't get me wrong after reading that title. I want EB3 as much as the next crazed Earthbound fan. Unlike many of you, though, I haven't been waiting as long. It's kinda funny how I got into the game.

I was at a friend's house four or five years ago just hanging around. He brought out another game for his SNES: Earthbound, and I started to love it immediately. About a week later after begging him to remember to bring it to school I was able to borrow it. (I just had to know what happened after you bet Everdred) After quite a while I beat it and that was that, as many people know it's hard to describe just how much it sucks to beat an RPG that you enjoy as much as Earhbound. It almost leaves you sad and disappointed that it's all over.

I'm starting to get off subject here aren't I? Let me get back on track. I was surprised when one day, years later, (I can't remember how the discussion started) the subject of an Earthbound game for the NES came up between myself and my stated friend. I was interested about it and he told me how he had downloaded it from some site but hardly played it because "it sucked". I began to research the web to find out about this game and discovered (ta dah!) To me it was even more surprising than hearing about a NES title to see that they attempted a third for the N64. Not to mention that there was a huge fan base.

Then out came the GameCube. It was a year after it's release that I finally got one, though. My first game was Metroid Prime. While playing it I really got into Metroid and got it for the NES and both Gameboy systems. I was disappointed that a Metroid game never came out for the N64. After thinking about it I came up with a decent theory. Could it have been that the N64 wasn't good enough to make certain games? Now the graphics difference in the SNES and N64 is phenomenal, but to me the system was sometimes kind of clunky. And after playing Metroid Prime and seeing the beautiful transition from sidescroll to first person, I don't think a Metroid64 would have been that great. I mean, what would they have done? Would they have a 3D sidescroll game, or make a possibly cruddy first person? Now I don't think you need to have gorgeous graphics to make the game good, (like our beloved Earthbound) but some games will need a boost. So that what I believe is happening to Earthbound. They skipped a system and are going to bring out a game on the Gameboy advance and the GameCube. After all, Metroid fans had over an eight year wait between Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion/Metroid Prime. Maybe just like Metroid an Earthbound GameCube title will hit the same month and year as the Advance game. With all the appearances Ness has been making lately, I'd say that things are looking pretty bright for our community.

This was my first article and I hope everyone likes it. I you have any comments I would like to hear them. You can E-Mail me at [email protected]. Heh heh, I almost forgot to say something. If anybody wonders what was funny about my getting into to Earthbound it's that I have never returned my friends cartridge. He never asked for it back. So I guess it's mine now.

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