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Starmen.Net in a century - by firej7

Starmen.Net in a century

From the ashened questions we let burn out, Pheen-X tries to bring these questions back to life, with an inferno of answers. Question, What will be like in 100 years? Who will run it? What kinds of things will be on the site?
Well, some say it's hard to predict the future, I say...that my mortal enemy has provided me with enough of answers. Whose my mortal enemy you may ask. Well, that would be none other, than ClumsyRobot, itself.
Let's face it, he learns everyday, and he'll be the only one around in a century. Though, our many past words, stories, and people will still be provided, he's called Clumsy for a reason. Though, who knows.
If all luck arrives, maybe one of our grand children will help reprogram Clumsy to help make Starmen better than we thought. The game will be a relic, but its memory will still live. Plus, I'll make sure that my grandson, takes a liking to not only Mother, but also polls, that his grandad brought back.
Either way, Clumsy can't stop Starmen from developing, especially from its advancement and growth. Our words have spread, and our interests shared, so its easy to say, if we keep the site under control, it will be a near Tazmilly, but without the greed and hate for it.
So, with a rushed, yet stilll good theory, a question has been brought up into a beautiful firework that can be seen for our generations to come. This is Pheen-X...saying, hope for a better tomorrow.

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firej7 Tazmi-holi-days
Ah Tazmilly village, so peaceful, so loving, so...celebratory.
12/5/11 0.00
firej7 Franky Tanky
Our first real big enemy, the Frankystein Mk.II. Yet, doesn't it seem kinda...weird how a gang boss has a giant, mecha-tank on his side? Well, PheenX and Amp are here to delve in and see what makes both Franky and his mech tick.
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firej7 What are Starmen?
Ah Starmen, a highly popular enemy in the game of Earthboun...though not much is said about them. Would you believe, that we see more of them than what is to be believed?
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firej7 The Doctor's Ransom
Andonuts, father of Jeff, and grand scientist for the good. So then, why dare he help the evil Porky? Well, I think there's a good answer to every question.
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firej7 Mr. Saturn of times
BoInG, ZoOm, dAkOtA, quite possibly the most popular character of ANY game, Mr. Saturn. So, we even see them in the future, but are they related?
1/17/12 0.00


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