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Tazmi-holi-days - by firej7


From the ashened questions we let burn out, Pheen-X tries to bring these questions back to life, with an inferno of answers. This week's question, what holidays do the Tazmilyites celebrate every year? Well, suffice to say, this jolly theorist has discovered many holidays the town loves to get together for, but we'll focus on 3 in particular.
The first one we'll bring to topic takes place in the summer, during the time where the nuts start to sprout across the land. This holiday was refered to as, Nutvayosday. This holiday is when the town goes across the land and forest, grabbing any nuts they feel can be used to develop a large sculpture project or be used in the nut baking competition. This started about 3 years after the town's discovery on the Nowhere Islands, and has since become an annual holiday, and interesting thing to note...the most well known family of the holiday is the one that runs the nut bakery in Tazmilly. The great-great grandfather of the family actually built the home out of the nuts, and the great-great grandmother knew how to make one heck of a nut bread. And it's easy to say, those genes have certainly been passed down, trust me, you haven't lived until you've tried some Tazmilly Nut Pie! And, the family has won the competitions for pratically every year, but this holiday is what expresses the creativity and togetherness the town witholds.
The next holiday takes place within mid-autumn during the drago migration. This day is refered to as, Dradragodon. This is when the dragos migrate to the lands near the town of Tazmilly and began upon the first migration discovery. This day helped represent the peace with the dragos, and after a few years of merely playing with the dragos that migrated, the festivities began when a little girl gave a small baby drago one of her own dolls, and upon the next year, the drago returned with a small cloth blanket it found upon its travels. This helped spread the sensation of not only giving amongst the town on this day, but it also helped spread the feeling of giving amongst two different species. And even though some people didn't like bones from a previous drago meal, or the dragos didn't have a specific taste for nut cookies, they still gather every year, just to enjoy each species company, and the migration is now indicated with fun games and events for both human and drago to participate in.
Finally, comes the holiday, of Melodifican. This holiday begins in the winter, upon the first snow fall. Once the snow begins to fall, each citizen writes their own song to sing amongst the whole town that gathers within the Yado Inn for the songs, all bundled of with a nice cup of tea. The songs are sung two weeks after the snowfall, and not only does every Tazmilinite get a good warm sensation in their hearts, but sometimes even get a good laugh. There's no competition, this was actually started by the first people to discover Tazmilly, and celebrated the towns development with a group song, just as the snow began to fall. So, each member gathers, relaxes their vocal cords, and gives the town the best song they have, even if it was made up on the spot. The most famous one know, was from the first discovers themselves, infact, let me sing a few lines.

For the love of us all
who built this town up tall
with gloriy within our hearts
we all know that we did our parts
Now we share, our loving glow
Under the falling snow.

There's more to it, but I can't truly remember it all. Still, after all songs are sung, they sing that very song, to indicate the end of the holiday, as they all settle in the inn together for the night.
Now of course as I said there are other holidays, like the chicken chasing Clukowaish, or the campfire festivities of Wamrastro, or even the goat/pig racings of Baoinkash, but the 3 I described, are the ones I've come to love the most.
And thus, another question is allowed to...actually it really can't burn in a beautiful flame (you try lighting a fire in the snow filled winter, it's not easy) but instead, it can glitter in the snow shined beauty of a winter night's sky. This is Pheen-X saying...happy holidays, and warm wishes to all.

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