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What are Starmen? - by firej7

What are Starmen?

From the ashened questions we let burn out, Pheen-X tries to bring these questions back to life, with an inferno of answers. This week's question, what are the Starmen? Heheh, let me tell ya, I kinda knew this one, even before I took on a career of theorizing, for it was what nearly inspired me. Let me start of by saying...we see more of them than you'd expect.
Starmen, enemies of Eagleland, bent on stopping Ness and Co. from reaching Giygas. Though some would say they are robots, and others ailiens, I'm here to finally debunk that myth. Starmen, are actually made of clay and another powder like substance (I'd say dragonite...or maybe a failed version of the sort, either way it's something from another land) bringing the creations to life with a quick jolt. And everyone knows how much clay could be found under Stonehenge, so the Starman Elite (One of the first to be developed) dug into it, and created a laboratory of sorts to create a Starman Factory.
So where do the Starmen get their smarts? Simply by their creators, yep, it's no more than an AI (Of course with Giygas's control, the AI was well kept in control, but still witheld power REMEMBER THIS FACT) Just with that AI, they learned how to communicate, fire lasers, and fight. And it was believed that certain intelects could help increase the knowledge of the AI's, so as to obtain info that was never thought of before.
Now backing up in my words a little, does the clay creation being shocked to life sound...familiar? If you are thinking the same thing I am, then you'll be thinking a connection to the Mother 3 clay beasts. YEP, THOSE CLAY BEASTS, WERE ACTUALLY PROTOTYPE STARMEN (Remember, the Starmen were said to have come from the future...though it wasn't said how far, plus, there really was no harmful future after certain events). Now, how is it possible such knowledge could have been used some would ask. Hehe, well, I got an answer for that to.
Remember Pokey/Porky Minch? Remember how he allied himself with Giygas? Think of all the things Porky has seen. He must have seen The Stonehenge factory at one point, and the Starmen were on his side, due to the fact he was a soldier for Giygas as well. Now, think of all of the things Porky created. Is it truly a wrong thing to suggest that Porky, may have learned the design for the Starmen, and thus tried to create them for himself. This theorist says Nay!
So now back in the Tazmilly Future, we see the development of the Clay Beasts. Yet, they seem...different. Reason being, though Porky copied a design, he truly didn't understand some of the high alien intellect (now, I'm a theorist, not an astronaut, so I'm guessing the Starmen Clay and Dust was from a planet I'll call...Carl...urn...sti, Carlurnsti!). With the lack of higher knowledge, we were left to engage in battle with the...Clay Beasts.
Now, the design may have been different, but there was another thing strange with the beasts. Lack of knowledge and control. Porky got mad that his creation resembled nothing of the Starmen, even with the similar AI program, yet with his sight set on HIS world, he truly never tried to fix them. Of course, even if he tried to fix them, he could never get their control. Because, he didn't have the mind manipulation abilities like the fallen Giygas. As much as we don't want to think of it, if it thinks, it usually has something like a heart to resemble emotions, for certain emotions tend to make some fight stronger. Without such emotion control, it was absolutely impossible to maintain perfect Starmen.
Now, why did Starmen come to Eagleland in the first place, and from where? This can be answered from game one. The fallen Giegue(or however you spell it, I'm not perfect), knowing that his chances of fighting the kids again that knew his weakness, would always result in failure. So he travelled through the many plains of space and found the planet of Carlurnsti. He convinced the only Starmen creator (Coincidentally being the only inhabitent of the planet.) to create a powerful army for him. Sadly, what wasn't explained was the price. Once the Starman Elite was created, Giegue and the creator were sent into it's body, forced to become only as strong as it. Though the intentions were still the same.
And thus, was the intentions,creations,and explanations for Starmen from my best content. Another question is left to burn in a moonlit fire, warming those willing to sit around it. So, this is Pheen-X saying, look to the stars, for they may just be watching back.

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