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Magicant...S? - by firej7


From the ashened questions we let burn out, Pheen-X tries to bring these questions back to life, with an inferno of answers. This weeks question, Magicant, Ninten visits it in his dreams in Mother...and then Ness sees it in his in Earthbound, years later. And yet...they were different in some way. And as tired as I truly *yawn* am...I'm gonna *yawwwnnnn* tell you...tell you abou...zzzzzzzzz.
From the ashened questions we let bur-wait a minute, didn't I already do the intro? Oh great, I'm sleep theorizing again. Ah well, This theory came from dreams, might as well be typed while in one.
Now, Magicant is a land of dreams, that are said to disappear for good when the dreamer wakes up. Magicant is known to hold the well known flying men, and known to have some sort of music within them. Now, can you guess which Magicant I'm talking about? I'm talking about ALL of them. Yep, just like I've been saying, it's a land of dreams...and everyone has their own little Magicant in one point of their lives.
At this point, I'm guessing some are nodding their heads in agreement, while others are thinking I'm a crazy lunatic. "If you're telling the truth, why haven't I seen it, huh?!" Simply because, the flying men serve a bigger cause than just being your fellow fighter of courage. They are also the ones that watch over our thoughts and other dreams, judging every emotion we share, and every thing we do.
What does this have anything to do with this? Well, as I reminded before, once you see Magicant in your dreams, once you wake up, its gone forever. So the bigger job of the flying men, is telling when we need to see Magicant the most. Once the decision is made, they know fully well, that this is becoming the last part of themselves, knowing that the person will need more strength, then any of the flying men's bretheren.
So, you're in Magicant now. My guess is that something big is going in your life, and you need something to give you strength to see through it. What prevents early awakening though? The music. It soothes us, keeping us relaxed and out of conciousness until we open our real strength within. Once we are willing to take on our biggest fears, the music stops, and awakens us once more, filled with more courage and strength to take on the current challenge you're needing to take on. The flying men choose the time wisely, feeling that once the dream is had, the dreamer is able to face a lot of bigger challenges, or find help to face them.
Of course, not every obstacle is physical, or a battle...and Mother 3 gave a great example of this. Magicant was making an appearance for Lucas, when he was able to see his mother, Hinawa, amongst a garden of sunflowers. After making one final jump to reach her, he awoke, knowing that she'd always be watching over him. So, where was the flying man in that case? Simple...Hinawa. No one can truly say that all flying men...where male after all, or required the goofy get up.
And thus, another *SNORT!* Gah! Dang it, fell asleep again. Huh? Oh yeah, my whole sleep typing dilemma. Okay, well, everything seems to be in order. So, another question is left to burn, in a hypnotic, relax-ing....zzzzzzz
Finish it in dream mode, that's always plan B. So, this is Dreaming Pheen-X saying...Keep Your Dreams.

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