Theory: Magnet Hill
Once upon a time, Fourside was a small, barren town called Threed-and-a-half. It wasn't a city, it was barely a town, so they couldn't give it a full-number name.
In the mid-1900's, Threed-and-a-half was a small, happy town. The citizens there enjoyed dancing, singing, drinking tea, and eating fresh vegetables. They opposed anything that required a lot of money, as they saw it as greedy and unnecessary. They had a barter system in place of money.
Then, the humans moved in.
You see, Threed-and-a-half was owned by Manly Fishes. The Manly Fish colony had all they ever needed, despite being surrounded by a gate built by the humans. They even got free food when they passed the "Fish Food Doctrine," which stated that if the humans did not send ample Fish Food through the gate, the Manly Fish army would attack with full force, and, if necessary, in mass retaliation with nuclear arms(though the nuclear arms thing didn't work out well; a lot of Manly Fish were left armless during the testing).
The Manly Fish colony was led by Manly Fish's Uncle, who sported a dashing moustache which made all of the Womanly Fish swoon! Manly Fish's Uncle made a great leader. Under his reign, which lasted around twenty-four years due to the short lifespan of Manly Fishes, the Manly Fish colony prospered. In fact, since Manly Fish reach adulthood at one year, there are always intellectual minds. Their schooling is advanced enough that it only lasts a few weeks, and with the advent of "Your Guppy Can Read," this process was shortened tenfold. They produced scientists in a matter of minutes, something humans have yet to achieve.
They made advancements in science even rivaling NASA, and their civilization was becoming more and more advanced. One day, the President of Eagleland recieved a rather peculiar request...
Manly Fish's second-cousin's-uncle's-grandfather ordered a supermagnet. Their fish pellets contained iron, so they figured it was magnetic. Mister President agreed to this request, and the magnet was sent to Threed-and-a-half the very next day. When the Fish colony turned on the supermagnet, something unexpected happened.
While it did attract the Manly Fishfeed, it took something else with it. The booming metropolis of Fourthwall to the south had an entire side of the city move slowly towards the magnet. Every day, the side moved a little closer, it seems. After a few days, the side moving caused shock and alarm. But, other than the electric charge making the residents of Fourthwall's hair stand up straight, and a longer walk to work, it had no negative effects. After about a year, the side reached the walls of Threed-and-a-half. It shattered the gate around it, and circled around the statue. The mix of humans and fish in the town was ill-recieved by both parties, the Manly Fish colony moved to the swampy Deep Darkness, leaving the magnet on a hill. Eventually, the magnet had taken so many buildings that it was surrounded fully and forgotten about, with the buildings blocking electric charge. This new town of "Fourside" became even more well known than Fourthwall, and the remains of Fourthwall became broken and desolate, and continue to be broken on a daily basis.
Once upon a time, Fourside was a small, barren town called Threed-and-a-half. It wasn't a city, it was barely a town, so they couldn't give it a full-number name.
In the mid-1900's, Threed-and-a-half was a small, happy town. The citizens there enjoyed dancing, singing, drinking tea, and eating fresh vegetables. They opposed anything that required a lot of money, as they saw it as greedy and unnecessary. They had a barter system in place of money.
Then, the humans moved in.
You see, Threed-and-a-half was owned by Manly Fishes. The Manly Fish colony had all they ever needed, despite being surrounded by a gate built by the humans. They even got free food when they passed the "Fish Food Doctrine," which stated that if the humans did not send ample Fish Food through the gate, the Manly Fish army would attack with full force, and, if necessary, in mass retaliation with nuclear arms(though the nuclear arms thing didn't work out well; a lot of Manly Fish were left armless during the testing).
The Manly Fish colony was led by Manly Fish's Uncle, who sported a dashing moustache which made all of the Womanly Fish swoon! Manly Fish's Uncle made a great leader. Under his reign, which lasted around twenty-four years due to the short lifespan of Manly Fishes, the Manly Fish colony prospered. In fact, since Manly Fish reach adulthood at one year, there are always intellectual minds. Their schooling is advanced enough that it only lasts a few weeks, and with the advent of "Your Guppy Can Read," this process was shortened tenfold. They produced scientists in a matter of minutes, something humans have yet to achieve.
They made advancements in science even rivaling NASA, and their civilization was becoming more and more advanced. One day, the President of Eagleland recieved a rather peculiar request...
Manly Fish's second-cousin's-uncle's-grandfather ordered a supermagnet. Their fish pellets contained iron, so they figured it was magnetic. Mister President agreed to this request, and the magnet was sent to Threed-and-a-half the very next day. When the Fish colony turned on the supermagnet, something unexpected happened.
While it did attract the Manly Fishfeed, it took something else with it. The booming metropolis of Fourthwall to the south had an entire side of the city move slowly towards the magnet. Every day, the side moved a little closer, it seems. After a few days, the side moving caused shock and alarm. But, other than the electric charge making the residents of Fourthwall's hair stand up straight, and a longer walk to work, it had no negative effects. After about a year, the side reached the walls of Threed-and-a-half. It shattered the gate around it, and circled around the statue. The mix of humans and fish in the town was ill-recieved by both parties, the Manly Fish colony moved to the swampy Deep Darkness, leaving the magnet on a hill. Eventually, the magnet had taken so many buildings that it was surrounded fully and forgotten about, with the buildings blocking electric charge. This new town of "Fourside" became even more well known than Fourthwall, and the remains of Fourthwall became broken and desolate, and continue to be broken on a daily basis.