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The Gift of Enemies - by firej7

The Gift of Enemies

From the ashened questions we let burn out, Pheen-X tries to bring these questions back to life, with an inferno of answers. This week's question, Why do the various bad guys in the series have presents? Now, this troubled me myself due to the fact I'm one of those, "beat with a various variety of blunt objects" ask questions later kinda person, so...easy to see the complications. Luckily though, I have an ally from the enemy field able to help me out. .....Unfourtuantly he's on vacation in the Bahamas (thanks a lot Amp) so I'm gonna have to wing it, errr I mean, go upon my past research.
It all started when I decided to take up an exterminator internship. We were doing our job before I grabbed a plank and beat down a rat. That rat dropped a bomb, so my questions started to arise (and my internship's a long story for another day). This question stuck with me for a long time (3 days).
The question rerose after I crashed my bike into a crow and soon found a cookie in front of me (such a rip off.....darn oatmeal raisin). Even weirder was how it had the change to pay for my repair bill. It only got weirder from their the more I traveled (and this was just to go to the store for crying out loud).
So onto the basic concept, why did they have these. Well, whose to say, they weren't on their own adventure? Maybe these creatures were actually human before Giygas arrived. I believe Giygas had an ability able to change others into different shapes, forms and beings. Now it'd be asked, why didn't it take effect on everyone? Well, there's a specific reason. The towns that contained the melodies were protected by the music in order to hear the shifting spell of Giygas. Which means, the only ones shifted were already traveling.
Now it's becoming more obvious isn't it? Those "presents" you're getting are actually their former supplies. Those travellers may of had a specific quest....or maybe just was out camping, I dunno, I just know they had bad cookies. But those unfortunate travelers got hit with the spell, which explains not only their shape, but also their reactions towards Ness.
So to sum up all matters, near every enemy you come across was a former explorer/quester/hobo on the run. And their supplies, are the presents you take after whoopin them senseless.
And so, another question can be left to ignite an explosive flame. This is Pheen-X saying....I gotta write a looooooot of apology letters now.

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