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Tough Mobile Sprout (Grayscale) - by IcyAntoid

Tough Mobile Sprout (Grayscale)

Oh man, you should have seen me back then. I had it all: thick foliage, girlfronds, photosynthesis was very, very kind to me. Now I'm in my autumn years and in just a short while longer, where will I be then, huh?! Herded together with my peers and entombed in a bubbley thing. If only we could go back and do it all again, you know? I miss the spring in my step...

Other Submissions by IcyAntoid

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IcyAntoid Dr. A's Saucer
Oh, we'll get you! As soon as we navigate through your fortress and fight the eight Sanctuary Masters all over again, we'll get youuuu! You wiggle your eyebrows in vain!
10/23/09 0.00
IcyAntoid Dr. Pillbio
Another one of my random ideas. Featuring Ness as the Red Virus, Ninten as the Blue Virus and Lucas as the Yellow Virus.
1/11/09 0.00
IcyAntoid Dr. Saturn
Me am Dr. Saturn! Me throw vitamins and viruses go ZOOM! BARF! Am fine.
9/4/09 0.00
IcyAntoid Dr. Saturn 2
Must get awfully uncomfortable and stinky in that garbage can. Let's hope his bedside manner is better than his personal hygiene.
11/14/10 0.00
IcyAntoid Dragon
...Huh? Wait a minute. Is this the same dragon we encountered in one of our earlier Magicant visits? What is happening here?
12/27/08 0.00


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